I want to see the new X-Men movie, but I haven't yet. :(
My nephew, when he saw it, said if I wasn't committed to the comics then I'd think it was pretty good. Maybe even on par with the first movie. Then a friend, L, saw it and he said it was heavy on story and emotion but lacking in fun. And the X-Men are supposed to be all about the fun. So, he didn't care for it so much. I still want to see it, but I agree - the X-Men are supposed to be fun. Any thoughts on this? I'll share mine once I've seen it.
Then, L and I watched
Killers with Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl. It also has Tom Selleck and Catherine O'Hara. I didn't mean to wait so long to see this and it's been waiting for me to watch it for several weeks. But, so worth the wait. This was a fun movie with lots of great lines that just made me laugh. It had a nice story that I enjoyed, cool action scenes, and lots of eye candy for girls and boys alike. Seriously, Ashton is looking good, really good. And Katherine, very pretty. The parents, (hers) played by Selleck and O'Hara are brilliant and the family dynamics the source of many a chuckle.
After hearing L talk about the lack of fun in the new X-Men movie, it brought home even more how much fun
Killers was to watch. If you haven't seen it yet and aren't afraid of a good Romantic-Comedy, check it out.